Following up on List Pick 10 Seconds’, soul-crossover artist Nia Wyn is here with another honest take on life and relationships with ‘Love I Can’t Ruin’. It’s a millennial love anthem that also harks back to the golden era of soul through that punchy rhythm embroidered by brass, bass and Wyn’s instantly recognisable voice. You can get a real sense of the songwriter’s personality in lines like “I’m just tryna hit it, / But I don’t wanna lie, / I’m vulnerable as hell, / I think you can tell, / Not sure if that turns you on.” She strikes the line that so many of us walk - between confident and insecure. Throughout the whole soulful affair, she wrestles with what exactly it is that she wants, which becomes a line of questioning that crops up within those bluesy verses. ‘Love I Can’t Ruin’ is such a moreish, head-bopping listen that no doubt it’ll make it onto your playlists before too long. Looking ahead, both tracks we’ve featured from the promising Welsh talent will feature on the upcoming debut EP release out on 19th February. - Hannah Thacker
